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As a small organization, we value volunteer participation.  Depending on your skills and interests we can find a way for you to get involved.

  • Make finger or sock puppets
  • Help deliver books that the post office deemed undeliverable
  • Make monthly calls to places that register children
  • Check with local post offices for undeliverable books
  • Assist in giving presentations to local organizations
  • Help with mailings
  • Assist at registration events
  • Bring your legal or accounting expertise to the organization
  • Serve as a board member
  • Help us connect with potential donors
  • Tell us how to improve our organization and the way we connect with parents
  • Help parents learn how to use the public libraries and how to read to their children
  • Manage our social media 

Choose one of the two methods below to let us know how you’d like to volunteer.

Fill out a Volunteer Form online!

You can let us know how you’d like to volunteer right now — fill in all the fields below (all marked with * are required) then click “Send E-mail” at the bottom. We’ll get an email and will contact you!

Your Full Name *
Email *
Subject *



First American Bank
1609 N Swan Street, Suite C,
Silver City, NM 88061

Mailing Address: PO BOX 513, Silver City, NM 88062

(575) 519-4464