“Dream more, Learn more, Care more, Be more.”
– Dolly Parton
What We Do
As a local affiliate of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library our two primary tasks are to (1) register babies, infants, and toddlers who are under the age of five to receive a free, age-appropriate book mailed to their homes, and (2) raise the funds to pay for the books and their mailing costs.

Our Mission
Our organization exists exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, to promote literacy for all Grant County preschool children by delivering books to their homes monthly and support the expansion of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library throughout the state of New Mexico.
Our Vision
All children in Grant County will arrive at Kindergarten’s door ready and able to succeed.
With the help of El Grito Headstart, GRMC’s Beginning Years program, local clinics, and childcare centers, we register children from birth to age five. A child who is registered at birth will accumulate a library of 60 free books by their fifth birthday. The first book children receive is Dolly Parton’s favorite, “The Little Engine That Could” and their graduation book is “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!”
To help accomplish our mission and realize our vision, we have executed Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with The Dollywood Foundation, Grant County’s Beginning Years Program, Silver Health Care, Inc., and Gila Regional Medical Center’s Maternal/Child Department, Hidalgo Medical Services, Amplified Therapy, and the New Mexico Pediatric Society. These MOUs ensure the collaboration of many of the agencies that serve Grant County families.

Since 2015, we’ve helped start affiliates in 24 New Mexico counties by advocating for partial state funding and by offering support and seed money for initial book costs.
We serve as the 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor for affiliates in Catron, Curry, Harding, and Eddy Counties, and the Moreno Valley in Colfax County. With designated funds, we are providing books for the Quemado and Reserve School Districts in Catron County and recently added all uncovered zip codes in New Mexico to our coverage area to ensure every child 0-4 years old can receive Imagination Library books no matter where they live in the state.
Our Supporters
Our Partners in helping us promote literacy in Grant County, NM.

Here is a list of current individual donors (gave since November 2022):
- Anita Williams
- Anne Sherrell
- Anonymous (16)
- Barb Rand
- Barbara & Ron Gabioud
- Barbara Taylor & George Muncrief
- Becky Nell Young
- Bethel M. Spann
- Beverly Lu & Randall Lemke
- Bobbie Piety
- Brian Etheridge & Nancy Stephens
- Carlos & Linda Price
- Carlos Arenivar
- Caroline & William Baldwin
- Cathrynn Brown
- Christina Riddle
- Claude and Rosemary Smith
- Dan & Sydney Tuffly
- Dave & Shannon Chandler
- Dave Kuthe
- David P Turner
- Deb Preusch & Tom Barry
- Diane LaFrance
- Dinah J Demers & Thomas E Owens
- Gary Jenks
- George R Cassell
- Geralyn and Stan Snider
- Gwen & Andy Payne
- Helena D. Myers
- Homer L. and Ruth E. Hamby
- Hugh Epping & Deb Cookingham
- Janna Mintz
- Jenny Sprague
- Jim Mathews & Kate Schmidt
- JJ Amaworo Wilson
- Joanna and Jamie Meehan
- Jodi Edens-Crocker
- John & DeAnna Mooney
- Jolene Huffman
- Joyce C Newman
- Judith G. Wells
- Justin & Hannah Wecks
- Karen C Gunnison
- Karen Murphy
- Katherine Warren
- Ken Dayer
- Laura Waldman
- Linda McGee
- Linda Pafford
- Linda Zwick
- Loren and Barbara Nelson
- Lorre Wells
- Margaret Perez
- Marla McDonald
- Marsha Sue Lustig
- Marta & Bruce Bloy
- Megan Golden
- Michael & Judi Bush
- Patrick & Pamela McDavitt
- Pauline & Richard Matthews
- Priscilla Lucero
- Rosie & Joe Placencia
- Sandra & Paul Michaud
- Sarah Zamora
- Sharon Bookwalter
- Susan Golightly
- Suzanne Brack
- T.A. Niles
- Timothy Garner
- Valdeen C. Wooton
- Valerie McCaffrey
- William Hudson